About Us
All of us are engaged in a journey of personal growth. In this journey our lives are enriched by people who are significant to us either in the family or in the community we belong to.
We set goals and engage in activities of daily life that are meaningful to us. During this journey, we may encounter blocks or may feel the need to improve the quality of life. Counseling and psychotherapy is helpful for people who are seeking personal growth and in solving emotional, behavioral and relationship problems. It can help children, adolescents, adults, couples and families to resolve psychosocial problems and to improve the quality of life. Jeeva counseling and psychotherapy centre is an agency providing service of this nature. It is situated in Kottayam, Kerala. India and is run by the Visitation Sisters of the Archeparchy of Kottayam. Jeeva Counseling and Psychotherapy Centre was started on 30th October 2004.